
Nature Is Power In Frankenstein

Decent Essays

In the novel, nature and natural things are in conflict with science and Victor Frankenstein’s visions of reincarnation. In his early years, nature is Frankenstein’s happy place and in his later years, to be outside is how he keeps his sanity. Frankenstein sees nature as a safe space because of his parents and how he was raised. His only truly good memories are at the lake and in the mountains. After the Monster has killed everyone close to him, the only thing that sustains Frankenstein is nature. Even though Frankenstein feels like all the deaths are his fault; he feels safe and has a sense of hope when in nature. His feeling of sadness and guilt is restored when he visits Lake Como and is put back in a peaceful state. The author Mary Shelley …show more content…

As a kid Frankenstein wanted to learn every piece of detailed information about science and did not want to know simply a synopsis of other scientists’ works. Frankenstein left his family after the terrible death of his mother, Elizabeth Frankenstein, to go forth to Ingolstadt and strengthen his love for school. This was a major turning point in the novel and showed Frankenstein’s true passion. It was here that Frankenstein rejected nature and natural ways in favor of science. Early on in his career he fell in love with the idea of reincarnating a human being. He then began to close off the world and all communications with his family. He stopped to realize the beauty in the nature and truly wanted to go against the flow of nature. Once Frankenstein achieves his dream of reincarnating a human being, nature punishes Frankenstein with this Monster he has created. The Monster is rejected in his early stages of his reincarnated life and that causes the Monster to become aggressive and have a hate for mankind. The Monster harms everyone Frankenstein cares about. Frankenstein turns to nature but is rejected because of the creature he made and how he “disrespected” nature. By the end of the novel Frankenstein rejects both nature and

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