
Nature Vs. Nurture : Biological And Social Factors Essay

Decent Essays

Nature vs. nurture is a well known argument that is often discussed by many psychologists, philosophers, and even everyday people. It raises the question on whether individual identity is shaped through biological factors, social factors, or if it is affected by both factors. Moreover, this argument delves into the territories of vertical and horizontal identities as well. A vertical identity includes the biological and social factors inherited from parents, while a horizontal identity consists of biological and social forces that are not inherited from the parents and therefore make the individual different. These two forms of identities are primarily constricted within a family point of view. A child exhibits either vertical or horizontal identities based on the identities expressed by his or her parents. These vertical identities that a child exhibits, are supported and nurtured by the parents, while the horizontal identities that the child has are constantly being “corrected” and “fixed”. Society also plays a major role in the nurturing of both vertical and horizontal identities. Based on the environment that the individual will be raised in, an individual’s identity will either flourish and grow, or dwindle and be hidden behind a persona that the individual puts on to please the public. This dance performed between nature and nurture is examined by Karen Ho in her essay “Biographies of Hegemony”, in Susan Faludi’s essay “The Naked Citadel”, and Andrew Solomon’s essay

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