
Essay on Nature vs Nurture: Genetics vs Environment

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Do you know how much your personality is the result of your genetic makeup, and how much is the result of the environment? The "nature-nurture" question is one of the oldest issues in psychology. This question is applicable to identical twins. They are the same age, same-sex, have the same genes, live in the same house, share same stuff, given identical presents, so in other words, they share the same environment from birth. The researcher tends to know if identical twins really share the same personality.

In Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, each person is an integrated whole, striving to future goals, and attempting to find meaning in life while working harmoniously with others. There are four areas of individual psychology, the …show more content…

There are levels or structure of the psyche (mind) and one of it is the Archetype, the primeval content of racial unconscious consisting of inherited ideas and predispositions, and the universal images, thoughts, ideas, or symbols that contain a large element of emotion. There are five main archetypes, and one of them is the persona. It the mask adopted by the person in response to the demands of social convention and tradition and it is the role that a person acted. Carl Jung considered many psychological types that emerge from the union of two (2) basic attitudes, the introversion and extraversion. Introversion is the orientation of the psychic energy inward while the extraversion is the tendency to direct the personality outward.

The research is also associated with the theory of Albert Bandura, the Social Cognitive Theory, in which postulates that the portion of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences. Based in this theory, behavior is the product of continuous interaction of an individual to his environment. People respond to environmental events, and certainly they often learn characteristic behaviors as the result of rewards and punishments.
The Trait Theory of Gordon Willard

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