
Nature's Creatures in Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle Essay

Decent Essays

Nature’s Creatures The environment and its creatures hold a deep connection that most humans do not have or understand. In Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle, the main characters have a rare interaction with one of natures most “cunning, versatile, hungry and unstoppable” creatures: the coyote (Boyle 215). Some of his characters hold a deeper level of connection with the coyote that can almost be seen as paralleled and from this connection, T.C. Boyle’s idea of how a Mexican immigrant and a coyote can be related is expressed when the notion of the willingness to do anything to survive, being clever and relentless, and though fearful are fascinating is explored. The idea that coyotes are willing do anything to survive, even trespassing …show more content…

T.C. Boyle parallels the untamed animal, the coyote, and the Mexican immigrant, Cándido, to express his powerful notion of surviving by any means necessary. The nature of coyotes connects to Mexican immigrants in more instances than having the willingness to take dangerous measures to survive and improve their lives. Like coyotes, Mexican immigrants can also be cunning and ruthless. In Delaney’s column, Pilgrim At Topanga Creek, he talks about the coyotes’ ability of adapting to the environment, and that “Trapping is utterly useless,” because “The population will simply breed up to fill the gap,” so “We cannot eradicate the coyote, nor can we fence him out,” we just have to “Respect him as the wild predator he is, keep your children and pets inside, leave no food source where he can access it” (212-214). Although Delaney is clearly talking about coyotes, if the word “coyote” was switched to “Mexican immigrant,” everything he said would still make perfect sense, even if he does not consciously realize this. Furthermore, Delaney continues in his column saying, “The coyote is not to blame––he is only trying to survive, to make a living, to take advantage of the opportunity available to him” and “The coyotes keep coming, breeding up the fill the gaps, moving in where the living is easy. They are cunning, versatile, hungry and unstoppable” (214-215). Through Delaney’s column, Boyle is able to seamlessly talk about the argument of

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