
Navaho Tribe Beliefs

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Iowa History Essay 1

The definition of culture has many different meanings including beliefs, behaviors, and practices of a group of people. These are things that are practiced in a specific group of people in a population and these common elements are passed across generations of Native Americans. Belief, Rituals, tradition and ceremonies include Vision quests a spiritual journey through fasting isolation and meditation that young boys that are going through puberty. These spiritual journeys can involve a trance like state so they can be guided by spirits. This goes along with the Native Americans belief animism- which is the belief …show more content…

Some of the differences are their language, how they live together as a family, how they sustain themselves and get their food. Different cultures have different community rules. The Navaho language is Athapaskan and the Navaho live in Colorado Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. They live in Hogan’s which are made from wood poles, tree bark and mud. The door of the Hogan is on the east so it can welcome the sun. (Americanindianoriginals) The Sioux Indian religious beliefs center around Wakan Tanka, their god and creator of all things. They were also a very spiritual group and believed that all things have spirits. Seven main spiritual ceremonies were held each year and were a very important part of Sioux culture These were known as powwows. ( . The Sioux tribe were known for their hunting and warrior culture. Siouan men were noted for their great courage and physical strength. They roamed the Great Plains hunting buffalo, which provided the tribe with food, clothes and they used the skins from the buffalo for their tepees. The Sioux men wore face paint for religious ceremonies and war paint in times of war. War Paint was used to make Sioux warriors look ferocious and the designs and colors that were used were believed to hold magical powers of protection. The Sioux name meaning is "Little

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