A Sagittarius Triplet
A nebulae as described in Fraknoi’s Voyages to the Stars and Galaxies is “all objects that were not sharp points of light” (Fraknoi, page 384). The Sagittarius Triplet is a group of three nebulae’s famous for their bright red and blue hues, which is a main reason I choose this picture. There are three nebulae in this picture and each is spectacular on its own but together the Sagittarius Triplet creates a visual buffet for the eyes. The dark reds in particular are beautiful to behold and take up the majority of the visual landscape. These red colors are created by the emission nebulae by hydrogen gas that is heated by the intense temperatures of present stars. The image made me feel the vastness of space and the endlessness of time. The interesting layout of the nebulae creates a long stardust highway across the image, connecting the NGC 6559 and M8 nebulae. These three nebulae are so bright they are routinely featured in telescopic tours of the Sagittarius constellation and the central Milky Way galaxy. M8 or the Lagoon Nebula and M20 or Trifid were first cataloged in 1764 by Charles Messier (Kronberg).
The Trifid Nebula, M20, (at the upper right in the image) is a “rare combination of an emission and reflection nebula” (Koprolin). This colorful contrasting nebulae is 5,000 light-years from Earth and 40 light-years across. A star forming region in the plane of our galaxy, the Trifid illustrates three different types of astronomical nebulae; red
Curtis correctly noted that spectral lines could be seen within the spiral nebulae, and that they were generally consistent with the nebulae in the form of large assembled star clusters. These clusters supported Curtis's argument that these were in fact stellar systems, which are comparable to our Milky Way
Have you ever looked up at the sky on a clear night and wondered, “what else is out there?”. What could possibly lie beyond the beautiful blanket of stars that we see with our naked eye? Nebulas are one of many galactic phenomena that lie beyond the Kuiper belt. Mysterious and fascinatingly beautiful sights to behold, they have more of a purpose than just painting the galaxy backdrop with color. I’m not a diehard fan of astronomy and to be perfectly honest I find it difficult to follow most of the information I have learned. However, when I came across pictures and information on nebulas I was instantly fascinated. From how and why they’re formed, to what they do for the galaxy, I’m excited to take you on an intellectual journey though nebulas.
Nebula is an
The Hubble sequence is also known as the “Hubble tuning- fork” because of the shape it is represented by. The Hubble scheme divides galaxies into three broad classes based in their appearance.
The Carina Nebula is located in the Milky Way Galaxy in the constellation Carina in the Carina-Sagittarius Arm. It is sometimes referred to as the Eta Argus, referencing the former constellation, Argo Navis, which represented Jason and the Argonauts. It has been estimated at around 7500 ly (light-years) from earth. It was discovered in 1751-52 by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille and was later found to be one of the largest emission stars in the galaxy. Its entire mass is around 900,000 solar masses which is equivalent to 270 million pounds. It contains several open clusters of stars along with many O-type stars. It used to contain thousands of more stars than it does today, but many self-destructed. It is home to the Trumpler 14 and Trumpler 16
The Cone Nebula (NGC 2264) is found in the constellation, Monoceros. This dazzling nebula is part of a much larger star-forming region, called the Christmas Tree Cluster. Both, fall under the name of NGC 2264.
Original creation of the earth nebular hypothesis vs. six-day creation is the topic chosen for this article. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the difference between nebular hypothesis and the six day creation. The comparison is between old-earth and young-earth viewpoints on the original creation. Both views come from believers who are merely seeking truth and trying to understand God’s message.
The Orion Nebula is one of the closest stellar regions to the Earth. Using parallax measurements, it has been estimated that this nebula is only 1,500 light years away. In addition, the Orion Nebula is a
The first objects I observed were Albireo, two binary stars. They are about three hundredths to four hundredths and ten light years away. According to Stauffer Mark T from the American Psychological Association, “Albireo’s stunning colors provide a vivid contrast that has earned this double recognition as the most beautiful in the sky. Albireo is easily split using small telescopes at low magnifications, which show a smattering of background stars in addition to the double.” The binary stars known as Albireo is located in the midst of the Summer Triangle formed by Altair, Deneb, and Vega. Although most stars look similar as far color is concerned when observed with the naked eye, they vary in color. Research shows, the primary among the two binary stars is a rich golden orange while the fainter stars’ color resembles a clear sapphire blue light. Their color differences are not simply a contrast because it reflects their real color. According to James Mullaney from Sky & Telescope Media, “Albireo is a wide double; even a
It is one of the most prominent and recognizable constellations in the night sky during its most distinguishable seasons, which is during the winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and the summer in the Southern Hemisphere (Orion). Orion’s belt is made up of the stars Alnilam, Mintaka and Alnitak, which are all the brightest stars of Orion. One leg is made up of the star Rigel. The second brightest star Betelgeuse, serves as the right shoulder, while Bellatrix establishes the left shoulder. The Orion's Nebula, which is a formation of dust and other gases, creates his sword which hangs from his belt. Orion is composed of many other nebulas and stars that create the beautiful display of Orion (Orion). There are many different stories of how the constellation was formed. One story tells of the love between Orion and Artemis. One day while Orion was swimming, Apollo dared Artemis that she couldn’t hit the distant object in the sea, which was really Orion. Artemis, not realizing it was her lover, shot Orion with an arrow. When she later realized her appalling fault, she honored Orion by placing him in the sky (Orion). In another story the hunter boasted that no animal could kill him. In response to this, Hera sent a scorpion to sting Orion. He smashed the scorpion with his club, but not before he was stung. The two are on opposite sides of the sky and cannot be seen at
Third, the observations of Novae. Shapley said that in certain lights obervées "novae" seen in the spiral nebula, implies that there is more light was far more nebulous. Curtis noted that these abnormal events pourait be a member of another class called supernovae today, they are referred to as during the debate "New Class".
Research from a star called Veil Nebula is being studied by scientists from NASA to discover how it has expanded since the eighteen years it has been pictured. The Veil Nebula was left by a massive star and is one of the best supernova remnants. It was made with a fast-moving wave from an explosion of dense gas that emits light. It was then blown into space by a dying star for it to shape into it’s original form. In the Veil Nebula, there are three different colors that represent something. The red is from the glow of hydrogen, blue represents oxygen and lastly, green is from sulfur. The cooler gas is made from a shock collision that later developed into a huge structure. Scientists are comparing these pictures of the old pictures of the
The Helix Nebula also known as The Helix, NGC 7293, God’s Eye, and the Eye of Sauron, is a planetary nebula. It is around 10,000 years old. It is approximately 650 light-years from Earth and it spans about 2.5 to 3 light-years across. This intricately shaped planetary nebula is also located in the constellation of Aquarius. The Helix is a very interesting, complex planetary nebula to understand. Scientists
The first thing you might be wondering is, what exactly is a nebula? Well according to Franknoi, a nebula is “A cloud of interstellar gas and dust that can be seen to glow with visible light or invisible light” (Franknoi 532). The Carina Nebula was formed approximately 3 million years ago in the Southern region of the Milky Way in the Carina constellation. It is located roughly 7,500 light years away from earth, which is relatively close in special terms, and even bright enough to be seen from south of the earth’s equator. It was discovered by French astronomer, Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, in 1751 from the Cape of Good Hope in
A galaxy, also called a nebula, consists of billions of stars, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter which are all bound to form a massive cloud in which we live in. Although it cannot be very well explained, dark matter makes up at least 90% of a galaxy’s mass.