
Nectar Of A Sieve By Kamala Munshi

Decent Essays

Deeksha Bathini
The book, Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya, was published in 1954, approximately seven years after India gained independence from British colonial rule. Thus, it can be concluded that the book is either took place during the Raj Period or shortly after gaining independence. Rukmani, from a family of four daughters, was married off to a poor tenant farmer named Nathan at the mere age of twelve. The first year of their marriage brought rich profusion and wealth. The harvests were abundant, and Rukmani gave birth to a beautiful girl, Ira. As Rukmani and Nathan’s lives progressed, however, they faced adversity and challenges. First and foremost, Rukmani was unable to conceive a son. Apprehensively and secretly, Rukmani solicited fertility treatments from Kenny, an American doctor who spoke the Indian language. Ira was seven when Rukmani bore her first son, Arjun. As the years progressed, Rukmani birthed four more boys: Thambi, Murugan, Raja, and Selvam. As the family continued to face daily challenges of starvation, a tannery is built near Rukmani’s mud house. After careful consideration and the dissuasion of their parents, Arjun and Thambi sought to find jobs in the tannery to earn money and support their families amidst the starvation. However, both Arjun and Thambi were fired for protesting their measly wages. Luckily, they both found well-paying jobs in Ceylon on a tea plantation and never returned home again. Ira, when reaching fourteen years of age,

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