
Negative Effects Of Being Addicted To Distraction

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Addicted to The Distraction In our dangerous world we are always on our cell phones, looking down, liking, sharing, or playing the latest video game. Smart phones seem to take up most of our time, and attention; yet we can't see the negative side effects because we are so addicted to the distraction. Cell phones do have positive factors, but they have an outstanding rate of negative factors we fail to recognize. As technology develops, we seem to become more distracted the more as it advances. Hundreds of apps come out everyday we seem to have more interference, and more problems. 'The psychologist Beth Anderson and her colleagues argue, in a recent review of Facebook's effect, that using the network can quickly become addictive, which comes …show more content…

Cell phones can keep us safe, but their negative factors have a mass effect on our developing skills. "A high school sophomore confides to me that he wishes he could talk to an artificial intelligence program instead of his dad about dating; he says the A.I. would know so much more in its database." (Turkle). This high schooler has very poor self-reflecting skills because he hasn’t stopped to think; how can a machine know anything about relationships when they lack experience? 'Indeed, many people tell me they hope that Siri, the Digital assistant on Apple's iPhone, becomes more advanced, "she" will be more like a best friend-one who will listen when other won't.' (Turkle). It seems people are relying more on technology for advice on their problems, because everyone seems disabled in this way. New generations growing in this new world are lacking communication skills, Like my nephew who is very shy to the point of crying when seeing a new person he doesn’t know. He is 3 years old and very bright, he's aloud an iPad as long as he's not bad. Every year when I come to visit he doesn’t remember who I am, but he sees me as a new person and gets scarred. He doesn’t know how to react to meeting a new person, and can't self reflect and he only knows to be shy and hide. 'As Eastwood's work, along with

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