
Negative Effects Of Slavery On African Trade

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The famous quote, “sharing is caring” can be misleading in terms of world history by how sharing with other regions of the world not only can be a positive element but as well as a negative. The idea of trading with other regions was a very popular concept because many trading accusations included benefits for both sides of the deals. Unfortunately, some regions that participate in a trade can be victims of a negative effect. The regions that engaged in trade that either had a positive or negative effect was Africa and Europe. Africa was a region that was effected negatively by trade. Slavery first started to become a popular idea when in the 1500s, Portuguese and European traders started going into Africa and purchasing slaves to come work on their plantations. Ironically slavery was started by African rulers trading slaves for resources such as metalwork, …show more content…

Europe was affected positively by trade because of receiving of gold and silver that was traded for the Americas to Europe. This was positive effect because mercantilist believed that a nation’s wealth is how much silver and gold the nations has. Also Europe received many resources from the final leg of the triangular trade such as salt fish, furs and rum from the Americas. One of the most important foods that the Europeans founded in the Americas was potatoes. Due to the fact that potatoes were not only easy to grow, but also potatoes helped raise increase to population in Europe. The more trade Europe participated in, the more port cities in Europe became wealthier, which includes Bristol, Nantes, and France. The concept of trading with other regions had a positive effect on Europe how it helped Europe become more economically stronger due to the amount gold and silver as well a stronger nation due to the new resources added to boost the amount of population in

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