
Negative Effects Of Social Media

Better Essays

Online networking platforms are causing a growth issue in social and relationship growth. An issue that not only affects southerners, but the entire modern world. This is becoming more evident in younger generations who have never known life without it. It has become necessary to limit and control our usage of these online networking resources. There are a few statements that can be proven that lead to this necessity: social media can create unnecessary problems in people’s lives, there are people who resort to social media for things that they shouldn’t, there are people who use online dating for the wrong reasons and hurt others because of it, online dating and social media has become a go to thing for people, and there are online networking platforms that undermine face to face interactions. There are still good things that can come out of online networking platforms, but it is high time people recognized the importance of limiting and controlling their usage of these online networking resources. The first statement is social media can create unnecessary problems in people’s lives. The article Negative Impact of Social Networking Sites, written by social network manager Danielle Reed, outlines some of these problems that can develop. Some of the issues the article brings up are, “diminishing privacy”, “depression, substance abuse, poor sleep patterns, suicide”, “poor academic performance”, and “less face-to-face interaction which also makes them more dependent on

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