
Negative Effects Of Sweatshops

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When people hear brand names such as Nike and Gap, most individuals will immediately associate the brands with fashionable and expensive designer products. It is no doubt that most people have worn an item with these particular brand names on them. However, many may not know that under the soft clothing and recognizable brands lies a very different story. Sweatshops date all the way back to the late eighteenth century. They did not have Gap or Nike, but they had huge textile industries. Back then, they attracted many of the poor to rapidly growing big cities, such as London, and soon became a common way for low-skilled workers to earn money. Although sweatshops mostly exist in places with third world living conditions, it affects people on an international level. Today, Cambodia’s textile industry plays a key role in the exporting and manufacturing of garments worldwide. However, exploitation by factory owners, and lack of sweatshop monitoring led to heinous living conditions for garment workers (Meyers). During the past couple of years, garment workers have started to speak out for themselves, protesting on the streets, but while the wages of the workers did improve, it came with a price.
A sweatshop is a workplace in which workers are employed at “very low wages by modern U.S. standards, long working hours, and unsafe or unhealthy working conditions” (Powell). It is a setting that violates more than one federal state labor law, governing “minimum wages, laws against child

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