
Negative Stereotypes In Society

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Stereotypes are assumptions or generalizations that people think and label a particular person as belonging to a group based on how they look in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and other categories. Stereotypes are a big problem in our society because they have a negative impact and can be damaging to a person’s emotions. Thus, any stereotype on individuals can be viewed as wrong because in the end we are judging them. I was stereotype as a thief because some people assumed I was stealing. As a result, I was affected by this because if they stopped to see what I was actually doing, they would have seen I was buying a box to give someone a present.
Stereotypes are one of the most terrible mistakes that many people have because their critique. Most people, even young or old, were group with either positive or negative stereotypes; which actually do not fit to everyone. Some Vietnamese people – mainly immigrants, international students, or tourists - are criticized dishonesty and greed. It might be so wrong to use that identify in to any specifics situation. In reality, I was stereotyped on that category at the day I went to the Daiso store to find a gift box for my friend’s present. I tried to estimate how big the box should I buy, so I put sandals – that I just bought from H&M store - into many different boxes. Finally, I chose a hard box which is covered by pink flower paper. At that time two Japanese ladies, who walked across the box aisle, they suddenly

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