
Negligence Case Study

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Negligence is a term used that denotes conduct lacking due care, where else malpractice is known as a professional negligence where the health care personnel performs a professional misconduct, unreasonable lack of skill, or fidelity in professional or judiciary duties (Guido, 2010). There are five elements that makes the above scenario to be classified as a case of negligence and malpractice. The elements are duty owed, breach of the duty owed the patient, foreseeability, causation-cause in fact and causation-proximate cause.
Duty owed
According to Palmer and Maclachlan (2015), all patient are deemed to be owed a duty to be taken reasonable care of by their health professionals which in this case includes nurse and paediatrician. The nurse owed her duty by failure of monitoring baby Tim’s peripheral line site to check for any signs of infiltration. She only called the paediatrician once to enquire whether to continue the IV infusion. She did not check for the reason the IV infusion stopped. The nurse complied with the paediatricians order without thinking that it may harm the baby. The paediatrician on the other hand did not ask further questions and did not assess the patient before making a decision.

Breach of the …show more content…

A root cause analysis was performed by Weyers and Bester (2015), and the cause problem of infiltration was identified as the non-visibility of the infusion sites. Nurses aim should be, maintaining a venous access secure, which means permeability with minimal risk of developing local and systemic infections, this is because when the newborn is exposed to multiple peripheral puncture and/or facilities of central catheters, the permeability is compromised and the risk of developing increased infections (de Souza Rosa Barbosa, Alves, Rodrigues, Lutterbach Riker Branco, Pereira de Souza, & Marques Bonazzi,

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