
Networking Skills Of The Creative Industry

Better Essays

Demesugh Aber

Coventry University
20th April 2015
Networking Skills In The Creative Industry

Networks exist to foster self-help, to exchange information, to change society, improve productivity and work life, and to share resources. They are structured to transmit information in a way that is quicker, with more high touch, and more energy-efficient than any other process we know.
~ John Nasibitt, Megatrends

Introduction (Section 1)
There is a sure component of truth to the way that networking all by itself is to a degree pointless when contrasted with the capacity to depend upon others and promptly accomplish an imparted or common result from the relationship with individual networkers. With that out of the way, the following paper will concentrate particularly upon the meaning of networking, how is accomplished to, the profits of performing it, the skills essential for powerful networking and in addition an analysis of my individual network; up to and including a talk of what people or groups are right now included inside the network, where potential future networks may lie, and how the network map may be changed or separated later on keeping in mind the end goal to assist future needs. Through this talk, I trust that the audience will gain a more educated comprehension regarding the need and significance of networking. What is networking?
I’ve always felt that question difficult to answer, but now that I know what it is it helps me understand more,

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