
Neuro Case Study: Pathophysiology

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| Neuro Case Studies |

Pathophysiology case study week 7: Neurological
Question #1

Brett reached into a clogged snow blower to clear the chute while it was still running. He completely severed one finger and partially severed another on his left hand. After lengthy surgery to reattach his fingers, he has regained much of his motor ability but has lost some of his sensory function. What factors are involved that affect the regeneration of Brett’s neurons and neuron function?

Clinical answer:
For regeneration of neurons (getting sensory feeling back), his type of injury involves the PNS neurons that were involved, rather than CNS neurons, so the chances of his neurons regenerating increase.
Nerve generation depends on …show more content…

The herniation of the disc occurs when the nuclear tissue if forced out of the center portion of the disc. The tissue of the nucleus can cause the annulus to rupture when placed under an extreme amount of pressure. This pressure can be caused by a fall, car accidents, blunt force trauma, or degenerative condition. The pain that a patient feels from a herniated disc is most likely caused from the pressure that the nucleus places against spinal nerves.
Possible symptoms of a herniated disc include pain that radiates through the back and possible down the arms or legs, depending on the location of the herniation. There can also be noted numbness and weakness of the arms and neck. Some people may not even know that they have a herniated disc because not all cases present with leg or back pain. Other signs and symptoms of a herniated disc may include muscle spasms or deep muscle pain. In extreme cases, a patient may present with weakness in both legs and/or the loss of bladder control and bowel control. This is a serious problem called cauda equine syndrome and requires immediate medical attention.
Treatment for a herniated disc can include either surgical or non-surgical options. There are many tests that can be performed such as x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, myelograms, and nerve tests. All of these tests can be performed to help diagnose the location and degree of herniation. Some of the non-surgical treatments include

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