
Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Neurodegenerative disorder is a condition that primarily affects the neurons in the brain and is defined as the ‘symmetrical loss of neurons in motor, sensory or cognitive systems’ ("Neurodegenerative disease", n.d.) in the human body. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Prion, Motor neurone and Huntington’s disease are all examples of neurodegenerative disorders ("What is Neurodegenerative Disease?", 2014), each characterised by different symptoms, causes and treatments. Huntington’s disease is characterised by loss of cognitive function, memory involuntary movements and behavioural disorders however, Alzheimer’s is characterised by loss of mental ability and a decline in cognitive function (Disease, n.d.). Furthermore, this paper will discuss prevalence and incidence rates of neurodegenerative disorders specifically Alzheimer’s and dementia in both Australia and Canada. Additionally, we will also discuss two prevention treatments Deep Brain Stimulation and for neurodegenerative disorders. Neurodegenerative disorders in Australia according to the Australian Bureau of …show more content…

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is currently being used to treat patients with Parkinson’s disease however, scientists in Canada and Singapore have completed clinical trails for the treatment of Alzheimer’s. DBS sends electrical impulses to specific parts of the brain through the implantation of an artificial device under the skin below the collarbone known as an impulse generator. The electrical signals are able to alter the brains activity in a controlled manner, which can be programmed by a computer (Takagi, 2012). The ventromedial prefrontal cortex of the brain responsible for cognitive function is targeted by the electrical signals which scientists believe patients had substantial improvement to memory performance and retention (Liu, Jain, Vyas, & Lim,

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