
New Deal Dbq

Decent Essays

In what ways did the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson respond to the political, economic, and social problems of the United States? Use at least 6 of the 7 documents to support your argument

DOC 1.







Lyndon B Johnson responded to the social, economic and political issues of the United States during his time in office by using the power of the government to his advantage, by passing the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and especially the Great Society. This use of the government is very reminiscent of FDR’s New Deal, where he rewrote the script, and turned the nation around for the better; many people call The Great Society New Deal 2.0.

The US in the 60s was a hot mess …show more content…

This, according to Carmichael, is the cause of the loss of jobs and increase of poverty in the Black Community. This is an issue that LBJ fixed with his passing of the Civil Rights Act. Doc 1 is where LBJ first brings the issue of tackling poverty, and from his perspective, it was the biggest issue in the US. LBJ was looking to create many allies with this speech, so he could be productive in congress. LBJ made jobs by making national health care (Doc 2), because it made it possible for older people to stop working, if they could get healthcare from the government, so that meant that new jobs would be open. Doc 4 talks about how women need equal rights as men, and how they felt excluded because there was no civil rights act for women, which caused women to create NOW. In the later part of his presidency, he had to pull funding from The Great Society, to fund the Vietnam War, which almost rendered the great society useless, but LBJ kept important parts of it, like medicare and medicaid (Doc 5). Doc 7 shows the effects of the great society, which is that people were paying for a small percentage of the nation, to try and fix a much a larger percentage, which ended up failing, because people were still poor, and there was still

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