
New Deal Failure

Decent Essays

The Great Depression and the New Deal
The Great Depression in American society was a period of economic recession which took away millions of jobs and rendered many families homeless. This great depression can be attributed to the collapse of the Stock Market Exchange on Tuesday, October 29th, 1929. This day, also referred to as Black Tuesday, was a result of over production and Bank failures in American society. During the Great Depression, the newly elected President, Franklyn Roosevelt, came up with the New Deal, which was an economic reform program targeted to end the ongoing depression. According to historian “David Kennedy” he believed that the New Deal was a success because it gave …show more content…

The New Deal first addressed the Bank failure in American which was one of the major causes of the Great Depression and lack of trust by the American people towards the banks. “The prolonged banking crisis, acute since at least 1930, with roots reaching back through the 1920s and even into the days of Andrew Jackson, was at last over and Roosevelt, taking the full credit was a hero” (Kennedy 248). President Franklyn Roosevelt through his New Deal bank reform and Policies was able to convince the American people to trust the bank again by depositing their money in the bank instead of keeping it at home. The Banking Act of the 1933 also forms the FDIC was signed into law by President Franklyn Roosevelt, in other to protect the Bank depositor and provide stability to the failing banking system which was a way to stabilize the American economy. Through the New Deal banking policies Americans begin to deposit their money into the bank again without fear of losing their money if the Bank fails. President Franklyn Roosevelt was able to re-establish the trust of the American people in the banking system and grow the economy through his banking reform policies and protection of the

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