
New Ghetto America Sociology

Decent Essays

The sociological issue depicted in the video The New Ghettos of America is deviance. This is any belief, characteristic or action that members of a societal group consider a violation of group norms and that the person who violated these norms will be punished. One example of deviance from the video is the increase in crime in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. There are two cops in the video that talk about having to take twenty-four hour shifts most of the week to at most keep the crime under control because they haven’t even made a dent in solving the problems with drug and gang violence crime. Another example is the woman in Los Angeles who lost her son because gang members came into the house and shot him in his bed while he was unarmed. …show more content…

Some deviate from societal norms because they want to acquire a new means of belongingness or membership that they can’t get elsewhere. For example, like the gang bangers in Los Angeles who shot the woman’s son may have done it to get into the gang to feel a part of something because they weren’t or didn’t feel accepted by the larger society. Some deviate due to poverty by innovating a way to make money quickly by selling drugs like that in New Orleans. Finally, some are even forced to deviate like the man who was laid off because he couldn’t repay his debt so he lost his home and was forced to become a dangerous consumer, hurting the economy, and a part of the other millions of poor people. Deviance is increasingly hurting the lives of many families and people as it is constantly changing and globally flows throughout the …show more content…

Deviance is explained by this theory because criminal behavior is more prominent in rundown areas with citizens who have lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Two sub-theories such as differential association theory and strain theory explain more in depth why people join violent gangs or are subjected to be dangerous consumers. Differential association theory puts a focus on the idea that people learn criminal behavior from the people they associate with. For example, the gang members who shot the woman’s son learn to do that from the previous gang members of whom they associated with. Strain theory is when an individual undertakes deviant acts because there is a discrepancy between the larger society and the means available for that individual to achieve a goal in the larger society. An example is the people in New Orleans that the cops arrested who had drugs and were trying to sell them to innovate a quicker way to make

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