
New Investing Trends For Small Investors

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New Investing Trends for Small Investors based on the performance of these in the past three years.
Purpose Statement
Every year the number of small investors increases in the world, being North America who presents the highest growth rate in the past three years. The common expectation for small investors is to make their capital grow within different time periods but in most cases the expected return bar is set too high, or the results are too poor. In this paper I will discuss the common goals and outcomes of small investors in a three-year term including the current year 2015, as well as to provide a guide for small investors to pair their expectations with the possible outcome of their investments.
In today’s financial …show more content…

Spending less on consumption than available one 's disposable income called individual saving or simply saving. It bears no risk or a slight of risk at all. It can be deposited in a bank or pension fund, buy a business, pay down debt etc. The common element of saving is the claim on asset that can be used to pay for future consumption. If there is return on the saving in the form of dividend, interest, rent on capital gain there can be a net gain in individual saving and they in individual wealth.” (Paul A. Samuelson & William D. Nordhaus, 2009).
Investment is an element that allows investors to grow in aggregate wealth. The terms saving and investments are closely related because without increasing aggregate saving, investment cannot increase.
Saving is a form of investing, and in terms of personal finance the difference between the two concepts is that saving refers to low risk preservation of capital, like bank accounts, and investment is more related to higher risk assets such as equities, funds, and real state.
Another important concept that we must understand is Portfolio, which according to the Wall Street preferred website ( is “a grouping of financial assets such as stocks, bonds and cash equivalents, as well as their mutual, exchange-traded and closed-fund counterparts. Portfolios are held directly by investors and/or managed by financial professionals.”
The number of small investors has increased over

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