
New York Knicks Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Company that I’ve decided to research is the New York Knicks Franchise. I decided to research this franchise because I’m a loyal New York Knicks fan. I would like to be in one the Executive Management position in the company. To be more specific I would like to be the Chief Marketing Officer.
In the New York Knicks Franchise there are many jobs that keep the organization going. The franchises jobs are broken into different divisions. According to the different divisions are: “Team Executive Management, Madison Square Garden Executive Management, Basketball Staff, Basketball Operations, Sports Team Operations, Medical Staff, Broadcast Information, and Team Information” ( All these divisions help keep the franchise running fluently and successfully. As the Chief Marketing Officer, I would fall in the Madison Square Garden Executive Management division. As the Chief Marketing Officer I am responsible for all marketing activities in the organization. Being the CMO I report the Chief Executive Officer. …show more content…

There were many priorities but they had 5 main ones that they wanted to capitalize on. On Bleacher Report a highly relied sport website author Sarah Peters states that the main priorities were: “find a replacement for Aaron Afflalo, resigning Lance Thomas, obtaining a strong point guard, hiring the right coach, and improve the team continually each year” (Peters 1-2). These were the main concerns the front office had to try and improve the team for this upcoming season. These priorities that the front office proposed will fix the problem of the Carmelo Anthony not having enough help. With adding the new draft picks and pickups during the offseason it will give the star player Carmelo Anthony help on offense and eventually help the Knicks when more basketball games this

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