
News Deception : What Are We Really Missing?

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News Deception: What Are We Really Missing? Introduction: Dramatizing the facts of a breaking news story has become a repetitive action seen in today’s media attention after a 2003 Florida appeals court granted Fox 25 News the right to distort information broadcasted to the public. Almost to conclude that major news stations hire professional actors to recite the news verse report it. The reality of this problem is that media sells and viewers fall victim daily to endless lies to exaggerate a current event and its happenings. A fact checking website similar to Politifact collected evidence that infamous Fox 25 News statistically reported 18% of the truth in their stories, with only 8% included to be completely true facts. CNN a top competitor has been proven to use truthful information averaging at 60% (Clifton, Allen. "Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time). But which portions of the truth are reporters legally allowed to comment on? If news channels are given the right to falsify the truth and report lies to viewers, is there an underlying truth that viewers are not being told? Because news media stations are granted the permission to skew facts, news deception has become a leading factor in the media business, which in return generates higher ratings that lead to confusion and corruption of the current happenings in the real world. News deception stretches far beyond that of falsifying a small current event, but the specific

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