
Nfl Should Be Illegal Essay

Decent Essays

This is why America will never be great again. A few weeks ago, The National Football League (NFL), kicked off their extensive season. Players from the teams inside this association were starting to take kneels during the National Anthem. This act of disrespect began to divide our nation, creates animosity, and over time, would deteriorate the nation. As Alice Miller quotes,”Disrespect is the weapon of the weak.” This action performed by the players sprung the president to action as he spoke up on his opinion. The beginning of this protest started last year when a starting quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, kneeled during the representation of the anthem. He was criticized and humiliated for his actions. Soon, he was cut by his team and not much has been talked about since then, until now. People are being divided and forced to choose sides in this political uprising. The United States has more important factors to worry about but instead the country is splitting apart. The NFL has spoke about the rights the players have for their actions but many …show more content…

More and more players are becoming apart of this protest every week. Nobody knows when this conflict might end but people do have some ways to exterminate this problem. Fans of the NFL that are offended by these actions say that the association should fine players every time they kneel during the anthem. The NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell didn’t fine any players apart of this act nor did he announce any forms of punishment. The way the protest is going isn’t healthy for the American society. The only thing that Americans have in common is America and as long as people keep protesting, the more animosity will grow inside the diversity of people in America. Racism and discrimination is also being stirred up in the pot to make things worse. All these factors will soon turn this nation into bitterness and

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