
Nicodemus Reflection

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The Bible shows how to be faithful to Almighty in every Chapter. However, the most outstanding is the conversation between Jesus and the Jewish leader Nicodemus. The story of Ruler of the Jews is in print in the Gospel of John Chapter Three, Verses 1: 1-21. THE LORD is straightforward with the teacher of the Jews. He explains born again to the educator as an allotment of God’s precious love. So, everlasting life is given succeeding evildoers confession of transgression to The Author of Salvation. Then they find comfort in knowing the Beloved Son rose from the grave, to protect believers’ deliverance.
After sinners accept freedom from sin, the Holy Spirit encourages them to continue bonding with the Messiah through Word study and prayer. Righteous love builds allegiance and consistency to love Jesus Christ alone. The commitment vows made at redemption are the same couples make to one another during marriage ceremonies. They are the groundwork for righteousness. A relationship via obedience and faithfulness comes out of affection to the person he or she loves. Love never grows out of control to influence supporters to serve out of fear.
He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him. 1
John 14: 21 Dr. Joe Cephus Bingham Sr.
Nicodemus was a renowned Pharisee and member of the elite Sanhedrin Court. He emerges in rank as the chief executive of the Ecclesiastical

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