
Nie's And Interagency Collaboration

Decent Essays

The productions of NIE’s are accurate to a degree, but they do not come without any challenges. Some of the biggest challenges that must be overcome in the creation of a useful strategic intelligence assessment include Urgent requests vs. lengthy process and interagency collaboration. As a result of pressure and intensive demands, NIE reports are rushed to be completed in a matter of months or even more than a year. Producing NIE’s at such a rapid rate can result in inaccurate assessment as such was the case for the 2002 NIE on Iraq WMD. It is the responsibility of the NIC to balance the urgency of an NIE request and the amount of time it will take to create an effective estimate. Another major issue that the NIC must be aware of is the interagency collaboration. Any NIE that is produced must the input of the NIC members in it. According to (, The interagency collaboration can result in these three things, Gridlock, compromise, and Groupthink. A gridlock refers to when the different interest of members of the NIC results in the slowing down of the analytical process. Compromise result when the estimates only contain “ lowest c’mon denominator” language ( Groupthink is when only one view reigns supreme and opposing views are rejected. …show more content…

These obstacles in the production of NIE’s are manageable and once they are overcome it can lead the NIC to create effective intelligence estimates that are accurate and contain the input or imprint of all its

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