
Nietzsche On Lying

Satisfactory Essays

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you”- Freidrich Nietzsche

-This quote is very meaningful says a lot. Being lied to is one of the worst things that could have happened to someone you believed in so much to only hurt you with things that are not the truth. Some people may claim I lied to protect you, others lie to protect themselves from circumstances that may benefit them. From trusting a person and everything they have once told you will have you questions their intentions from the moment the relationship started and what was their angle from the beginning. Lies are only told to protect an image to attain in the eyes of the beholder; in other words an ego booster.
-My previous relationship, my girlfriend had and secrets affair behind my back for many years. I found out she was having an affair with one of my close friends. For one I was deceived by both who I trusted dearly only to be hurt by the lies each of them told me. Any time I would ask either one of them did they like one another they would simply say “ no we’re just joking” …show more content…

My mom punished the dog for a number of weeks because she only had the tv a few days. I was bouncing the ball around the house when the ball bounced off a sneaker and knocked the tv over. I then left the house so I wouldn't be blamed for it. Around the third week of the dogs punishment, I told my mom the truth I broke the tv. When I say she was furious, I just couldn't go with the lie anymore. That one lie didn't effect our relationship of a mother and son bond because many lies will be told during your life to get out of trouble or just for no reason. The last part of Nietzsche quote “I'm upset from now on I can't believe you” is so untrue my mom still will believe me if I tell her something. One lie can't determine the fate of someone's belief for the rest of your

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