
Nimh. Nik Mental Health

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In 2015, I was diagnosed with depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Since my diagnosis and treatment, I found out I would have benefitted from getting help years earlier. A few benefits of early identification of a mental illness are developing positive relationships, reduced risk of suicide and ultimately can lead more meaningful and productive life. There are downsides to getting professional help later on. Personally, my grades and friendships suffered before I began therapy. It has also been harder for me to change certain habits since I spent years finding my own ways to deal with the mental illness. An example of one of these habits is reading or texting when I get anxious in class. Being focused on something other than the class …show more content…

It is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that make up the National Institutes of Health, which is the largest biomedical research agency in the world. According to, “For a young person with symptoms of a mental disorder, the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it can be. Early treatment can help prevent more severe, lasting problems as a child grows up.” Students would not only be able to identify symptoms and get help earlier, they can learn how to improve their own happiness and the well-being of their school and the …show more content…

The results of the study came from the school mental health program (SMHP), a valuable part of the educational system worldwide. For more accurate results, the selection of schools was random. “According to their self-report, the students in the program in comparison to those not in the program were significantly better adjusted to the school and teachers; opined that they were capable of coping with issues with better self-esteem” ( Another issue that has arisen is the difficulty of bringing mental health education in schools. Many are curious how this subject will be implemented in school’s curriculum. Lauren Porosoff and Jonathan Weinstein are writers of an article posted on that was about mental health education in schools. The article was named “To prevent school shootings can mental health be taught” and was about how teachers could help bring awareness to the topic. The authors doubted that it would be possible to have mental health education as a requirement in American schools any time soon. The op-ed piece states that “meeting that need will involve cumbersome debates, rebudgeting, and hiring. All of that takes time...Our efforts to address mental health in school have limitations” ( The authors may not be aware of the law that is now in place in New York to mandate mental health education. The U.S. may be closer to the change than they believe. Other states need to focus on how New York has resolved

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