
Nitric Oxide Supplements Research Paper

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Nitric Oxide Supplements and Optimum Health One of the natural gases that occurs inside the human body is nitric oxide. It is there to convey information at the cellular level. One of its main functions is to up the blood flow through the dilation of blood vessels. This is why nitric oxide supplements are often given to heart patients. This can be taken orally or intravenously. The supplement that is administered, though, is not nitric oxide itself. What is actually given is arginine or what’s also known as L-arginine, an amino acid that is the basic building block for gas production. Arginine rich foods are sesame seeds, spinach, white turkey meat, shrimp and crabs. Nitric oxide supplements have always been believed to increase the blood flow and even aid in the production of human growth hormone which is why a few athletes – more especially the bodybuilders – take oral …show more content…

Adding a cup or two of beet juice daily can also greatly improve your NO production. It is also advisable that you take some multivitamins containing antioxidants. About 5-6 grams of L-arginine or L-citruline would do for each day. The Roles of NO There are various roles for nitric oxide. It is a signaling molecule while also playing the role of a vasodilator. This means that it can relax the arteries. This means that a person who has ample NO in his system will have a healthy circulation. Nitric oxide is also effective in keeping the endothelium in great shape. It does this by curving oxidative stress as well as inflammation. Diseased arteries are not able to produce nitric oxide. This is vicious cycle, one that could result in a cardiac event. This explains why nitroglycerin is being used as a therapy for angina. It can trigger nitric oxide production which then dilates the coronary

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