
Essay on No Blood Transfusion for Jehovah's Witnesses

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Jehovah's witnesses’ faith allows them to seek medical help; however, they do not accept blood transfusions. This belief arises from a biblical passage that states "Only flesh with its soul- its blood-you must not eat (Genesis 9:3-4), "You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. I will set my face against that person who eats blood...Anyone eating it will be cut off” (Leviticus 17:10, 13-14). These passages are interpreted by Jehovah's witnesses as forbidding the transfusion of any blood products. The following presentation will address legal and ethical issues that can arise from this scenario.

Keywords: Jehovah’s Witness, blood transfusion, blood, faith.
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Jehovah’s Witnesses respect their religion and their beliefs and many strongly adhere to them because of the many consequences that they may face. Jehovah’s Witness believe that if they accept blood products, they will suffer severe consequences. Some of the consequences Jehovah’s Witness believe they will encounter include lack of spiritual purpose, relationship with God will be damaged and they will be expelled from their congregation (Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2000). Many parents face the worse decision when a child is involved.
The following scenario explores the legal and ethical decisions involved with a pediatric patient. A six year old boy suffering from Sickle cell anemia is brought to the hospital with a crisis. During a sickle cell anemia crisis, red blood cells are damaged and they are unable to deliver oxygen to the body. The standard treatment is oxygen, hydration, blood replacements and exchange transfusion (Anita, 2006). The pediatric patient was admitted in critical condition and a blood transfusion is necessary. Parents stated they want to save their child and will accept any type of treatment except for blood products.
Adults have the right to refuse any type of treatment including blood products. Nurses are there to support and advocate for the patient and to assist and support the patient when other methods of treatment are chosen. Parents with full custody

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