
Absolute Right Positions On Abortion Essay

Decent Essays

1. State a brief example to illustrate each of the following terms: allowing someone to die, mercy killing, mercy death. • Allowing someone to die: Some religious affiliations (Jehovah’s witness) will not receive a blood transfusion. They have decided not to take advantage of medical technology to preserve life. If such person is in a life & death situation and required a blood transfusion in order to survive the choose to die vs. receiving a blood transfusion. • Mercy killing: A woman falls and hits her head on the edge of the pool, falling into the water in an unconscious state and not found for several minutes. Emergency personnel were able to revive her but is in a coma and the doctors have indicated that she has no brain activity. …show more content…

What are the two "absolute right" positions on abortion? In what sorts of cases would or would not each position permit abortion? The two “absolute right” positions on abortion are Pro-life with a view the human life starts at conception and Pro-choice having the view that human life does not begin until birth. Pro-life: may permit abortion if the fetus is confirmed dead within the mother’s womb. This view does not advocate abortion even at the risk of the mother’s health, they believe advancements in medical technology and psychology can save the mother life and the case where the mother’s life cannot be saved, she may have to be …show more content…

4. Explain, with examples, the difference between lies of commission and lies of omission. Asking a teenager: • Were you in school today, what did you learn? Yes, learned about acids and bases in chemistry class and the normal stuff math and English. • What did you learn in school today? The same as every other day, you know, math, English, the normal stuff. (although you know from the school principle that the child did not show up for school today, to learn today’s math, English or any other lesson). The first was a lie of commission, a specific questions asked and a false answer given in return. The second is a lie of omission, the question was asked in general terms and thus leading the parent to believe they were in school when the teen had not attending school. 5. In the context of the abortion debate, explain the difference between asking "when does life begin?" and "when does human life

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