
No Child Left Behind Act

Decent Essays

The No Child Left behind Act (NCLB) has not had a positive impact on students school age students throughout senior year. “The Waiver means that schools will not be required to have 100% of students pass the state exams by 2014”. This allows studets o continue on to the next grade level without suffient test scores and compleion. (f the student is not excelling and grasping the information they should not be passed on to the next level . This is how so many developmental delays are missed, the system is mote worried about the child being left behid a grade instead of them actually meeting the criteria to pass. There us to be fines and cosequences for schools whose students did not meet requirments for test scores “Schools will no longer face sanctions or restricting upon failing to meet annual yearly rogrss targets; instead the state will implenet there own system”. What happens to those students who are passed from grade to grade with limited comprehension? The answer is that they will lack the basic skills needed to keep up with their pier and what is need in order to graduate from highschool. Students that are not able to keep up with the classroom will be missed and the problem will not be caught early. The point of school is for the children to learn and with every new grade level the skill should increase. For those children that are just being passed to the next level they are not receiving the proper attention needed in order to eventually be able to keep up. “The

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