
No Place Like Home By Marni Gillard

Decent Essays

Theres No Place Like Home As Marni Gillard states “It is through stories we see ourselves as if in a mirror.” Meaning that other peoples stories show us pieces or ourselves as if we are almost seeing a reflection. I find a reflection of myself in EB Whites “Once More to The Lake.” A story that brilliantly creates a sense of nostalgia and a connection to a significant place. Therefore, through Whites story and my own personal experience I learned that a place is a powerful force in our lives due to the memories and the connection it creates with people. We all have that one place in our lives, that one place that makes us feel comfortable due to its familiarity and great memories. Mine is my grandparents house. It was a big house with maroon red siding and a crisp white door. The roof had an almost Japanese style to it with curved edges on the side. The house had a great big sunroom and a huge basement that lead out to the patio where the pool sat, and right beyond that glistening blue pool shined the crystal clear lake. Ever since I was born until I was four this big red house was my home. While our current house was being built I took comfort in this place for those four years and my grandmother would take care of me while my parents were at work. Me and my grandmother would play all day and dance around the house like little ballerina’s. She would teach me all that she knew, since she was a former Juilliard student. We had the best time. I think having dance has always

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