
No Visible Bruises: The Katie Koestner Story

Decent Essays

No Visible Bruises Video Reaction: In the short video, No Visible Bruises: The Katie Koestner Story, Katie Koestner is first seen in the Dean’s office bringing forth her rape case to the Dean so she can charge her perpetrator, Victor for raping days earlier. Before Katie even enters the Dean’s office she is showing clear signs of distress after Victor raped her and keeps on having flashbacks about the event until the Dean calls her into her office. Katie tells the Dean her side of of the story of what happened that night which was that Katie went on a date with Victor who is known to be “the hot guy” on campus but, also has “been around a lot with girls”. During their date at the restaurant, Victor asks Katie if she will join him and share a glass of Champagne with him. At first Katie is hesitant and says no, but Victor essentially guilt trips and pressured her into having a drink with him. For me, this would be one of the first indicators that not only is Victor not actually interested in her, but was purposely trying to get her a little drunk so then it was easier to get her to have sex with him. I would ask start to wonder what the rest of his personality is like as well if Victor was pressuring Katie to share a drink with him. Another indicator for me was, is after they left the restaurant, Victor tried at first taking Katie to a frat party which of course again, is another way he could try to get her a little tipsy so he could get into her pants by getting her drunk

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