
Nobody Liked Scrooge Analysis

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Nobody liked Scrooge. According to the text, he was a wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner. On page 4 of Stave 4, the text tells us “no one cared, they let him die alone. The quotes are proof of what the townspeople thought of him. According to the text in Stave 4 page 4 it says, “If he wanted to keep them after he was dead a wicked old screw.” This is what the laundry lady referred to his clothes and his personal belongings. Another example is in Stave 4 page 5 it says, “He frightened everybody away from him when he was alive, to profit us when he was dead.” This scary attitude he displayed was a reason why nobody liked him. The last example is in Stave 4 page 4 it says, “If he had been, he’d have had somebody

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