
Non Human Objects

Decent Essays

The significance of non-human objects within the context of human existence is often undermined and limited by the perceptions that human project onto the nonhuman. Ontology the through human lense depicts the existence of things within a Darwinistic hierarchical position. This position creates a distance within our understanding of vital materialism which encompasses the importance of the nonhuman in our daily lives. Bennet creates a platform that entails the relationship of human and nonhumans by elaborating the functions and influences nonhuman objects through an ecological framework. This framework helps provide the connections objects have with other objects and living things by articulating that the nonhuman can be an extension of the …show more content…

Fossil fuels, or as some entrepreneurs call it “black gold”, are one of the most influential inanimate objects within our culture. It is able to cause economic shifts, alter ecological systems if it is not managed properly, is a major source of fuel for agriculture, transportation, and industrial mechanisms, and it originates from plant and animal fossils over thousands of years. Today, the United States is the number one producer of oil, and we have found new ways of extracting it from the earth, such as hydraulic fracturing. Processes like these have the potential to poison local water supplies and alter the topographical structure of a given ecosystem. The discovery of shale has helped gas companies rely less of foreign oils and control the global market. Since oil has become cheaper within the U.S, there are more SUV’s on the road than before and people are starting to drive longer distances. Oil companies are facing the problem of finding ways to store excess oil. While we as humans see fuels as a source of mobility and prosperity, we often detach ourselves from how ecologically damaging the extraction methods are, the social injustices and inequalities it can create within a society, and most importantly that it is a nonrenewable resource. The assemblage of fossil fuels take thousands of years to form which is well past a human lifetime. Even trying to perceive that amount of time is incomprehensible to us. The composition of fossil fuels are not necessarily made from complex materials, all that is required is that something dies and goes under heat and pressure for a long period of time. That means that at some point we can potentially be incorporated within the sludge that is “black gold”. I feel as though bennet would articulate that in order to grasp the full understanding of our relationship with fossil fuels that we must address that at some point we are

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