
Non-Traditional Gender Stereotypes

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As depicted in table 1 above, four students displayed consistent gender role beliefs across both the implicit and explicit measures, three of which were found to exhibit traditional and one student presented non-traditional. Although the results are predominantly consistent, the remaining student displayed non-traditional gender beliefs for the explicit measure and yet traditional gender role association for the implicit measure, suggesting incongruence between the two measures.

This implies that while this student may not consciously endorse traditional gender stereotypes, it can however be still activated on an implicit level, subsequently influencing thoughts, feeling and behaviours in a subtle fashion. Albeit generally consistent, the divergence of results for the one student, support the notion that although related, implicit and explicit beliefs are conceptually distinct due to deriving from different sources. …show more content…

Interestingly, this appears to be a function of relative status in society; woman may internalize societal evaluations about their stereotypical roles on an implicit but not explicit level and thus create incongruence.

Learning one’s place in society largely occurs from experiences early in life, which also contributes to the development of implicit attitudes. Our implicit beliefs formed early in life are primarily derived from simple associations, whereas explicit beliefs tend to be formed later as a result of verbal and conceptual learning. Perhaps the student with inconsistent beliefs formed many implicit associations as a child that diverge from more recently developed beliefs. These associations can be formed even from the type of toys and books that they were exposed to, which are often contingent on their

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