
Non Violent Protest And The Civil Rights Movement

Decent Essays

Non-violent protest is one approach to addressing small or global acts of inhumane conditions of people experiencing racial, ethnic, gender, social, and economic disparities. Peaceful demonstrations such as the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi’s Indian independence movement. Estonia’s Singing Revolution, or Invisible Children’s social media uprising, have been successful in making the world aware of the problems people are facing. These movements have inspired change. It does not mean that the non-violent protestors have not suffered violent consequences. Nor does it mean that the perpetrators have ceased from committing in humane acts indefinitely. The hope remains strong to settle differences peacefully. Peaceful protestors will not always escape a demonstration unscathed in the justice process. Violence will always be inevitable where there are men who gain from other people’s suffering or where there are men who seek to gain freedom. It seems as if violence is to peace as yin is to yang.
In 1964, Radio Corporation of America released the song album “A Change Is Gonna Come" sung by recording artist Sam Cooke. Cooke’s song soon became an anthem for the civil rights movement in Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. The song was an inspiration to those in the midst of non-violent protest over the unlawful death of civil rights activist Jimmie Lee Jackson, in March of 1965. The protest would later become known as “Bloody Sunday,” where weaponless

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