
Noonan Syndrome Essay

Decent Essays

Kim Jong Un’s son, K.J. Jr. shocked the world by being born with the Noonan Syndrome! The Noonan syndrome is a condition that normally involves disabilities such as a heart problem found from the start of birth, short stature, a webbed neck, or chest deformities may be seen as well (. This is extremely depressing because K.J. Jr. amazingly beat the odds of one in 1000-2500 births that will have this type of genetic syndrome (Noonan Syndrome Support Group)! The Noonan syndrome is inherited along with birth and anyone may be born with the syndrome regardless of gender. This disease is often found in Canada, Holland, and the United States (Noonan Syndrome Support Group). This Noonan syndrome is not sex-linked. In other words, K.J. Jr. would have still had this disease even if he was a daughter. It associates to his autosomal chromosomes, or any chromosomes that aren’t sex linked. Therefore, the gene is not …show more content…

J.R, “Treatment of the symptoms and complications that occur with Noonan syndrome depends on their type and severity. Many of the health and physical issues associated with this syndrome are treated just the way they are in the general population” (Mayo Clinic). You might as well be glad as I am that you aren’t born like K.J. Jr.! “Treatment of the symptoms and complications that occur with Noonan syndrome depends on their type and severity. Many of the health and physical issues associated with this syndrome are treated just the way they are in the general population” (Mayo Clinic). The prognosis for Noonan syndrome generally depends on individuals such as K.J. Jr., on their severity of the heart defect, which may shorten their lifespan if it is too extreme. Genetic counseling and Gene research are what Kim Jong Un could have possibly done for his son before birth, but it is too late now. He had the opportunity to detect the disease early and potentially lesson some parts of the syndrome. However, he did not take

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