
Norman Schwarzkopf Was One Of The Greatest Leaders In American

Decent Essays

Norman Schwarzkopf was one of the greatest leaders in American history. He was destined to be a leader of men from birth. Schwarzkopf was born on 22 August 1934 in Trenton, New Jersey. He grew up as an Army brat, living on bases all around the world. His father who is credited for the founding of the New Jersey state police, was honorably discharged from the army as a Brigadier General after had served in both World War I and World War II. Norman tried hard to follow in his father’s footsteps. Like his father, Norman graduated from West Point University in 1956 with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering. While attending West Point he was a member of both the football and wrestling teams. One of the most defining moments of his very …show more content…

Eventually Schwarzkopf, returned home in a body cast that covered him from his shoulders all the way down to his hips. For his time served during the war Schwarzkopf received numerous awards and medals. Once he was well enough to speak to the public about his experiences he was shocked by how hostile many were about the war and that the public was directing their anger towards the military. Schwarzkopf assumed that this wrath from the community had been spawned by the realities that the government went into the war without clear intentions. This appeared to cause a great personal conflict for Schwarzkopf who contemplated hanging up his uniform. After much thought and consideration Schwarzkopf came to the conclusion that he would stay in the fight but that as long as he was in command his soldiers would never fight in a war like Vietnam again. The Vietnam War was coming to an end and the soldiers were back to their families, who’s had been waiting and praying stateside for their safe return. But that didn’t mean complacency for Schwarzkopf he continued to rise up the ranks taking on more responsibilities with each promotion. He received his first star in the 70’s and would successfully lead troops during the invasion of Grenada in 1983. Five more time would pass and General Schwarzkopf would finally receive his fourth star in 1988. He was assigned as the commander of the Central Command. While Schwarzkopf was commanding the

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