
Norms In The Breakfast Club

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approach does not account for this.
In close relation to norms, beliefs are an important factor in The Breakfast Club. Beliefs tell us what we think is true or false. In this movie there are many false beliefs that are shattered by the time the credits roll. Take Claire’s popularity for example; when the day starts she seems content with her life and how she fits into the school’s social system. However, when the five of them are sitting up in the balcony and talking about themselves, she reveals that she hates her popularity. She hates the fact that she always goes along with what her friends say because she is afraid of losing them. Andrew also reveals a false belief about himself. Everyone thinks that he loves being the jock, loves the …show more content…

It follows the example of cultural configuration, an idea proposed by Benedict that determines the fundamental personality characteristics of its members. According to Benedict, culture is “personality writ large.” We can also see the profound affect that not only our culture plays in classifying social roles, but the affect parenting has on an adolescent and how it influences the personality of that child, and where it will be classified in high school, or society in general. The stereotypical subcultures of society have created walls that keep the cliques from mixing, causing unnecessary stress that is unhealthy for high school students, but the characters of “The Breakfast Club” connected with each other and were able to discover truths about other cliques, allowing a better understanding of the world. Every one of them learned something about themselves, but what is more important is that they learn about each other and that maybe they are not so different after all. They learn that each person feels they have some kind of role they have to live up to and that, under normal circumstances, they do everything they do because it is the easy way out. They show one another that they change depending on where they are or who they are with. Each one also learns that they either go with or against a norm and that norm dictates how they live their lives. Most importantly

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