
Not Prepared for This War: Male Role Only Essay

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Women have fought decades to be seen as equal to men. All though all these good things happened because of woman’s movement. However, this doesn’t mean women must play male roles in the twenty first century. Placing women front line in combat is setting them up in a field full of grenades that represent distress emotion and the lack of physical strength that in the end will have a negative effect on females and their fellow soldiers they are fighting with. There are specific roles that only a male should take. For example, protecting and serving our country. Women should have equal rights, women have the disadvantage of fighting in combat where their safety is on the line and their physical biological and emotional restrictions will hold …show more content…

Unlike men, a women’s pelvic ring is wider which, make it easier to carry and give birth to a baby (Delavier). Women having the ability to reproduce, allowing our population to increase. With our population growing our economy will grow, and we are less likely for extinction. Also, a women’s body is programmed to provide bodily nutrients to provide for their baby for example breast feeding. In addition fourteen percent of nursing mothers are being deployed four months after giving birth (Vlahos). The three month period for a baby marks the time for exploring movement and growth. At four months your baby is not as tiny as when they were born. They no longer fit in a baby tub, which they know fit in an adult bath tub where they can easily slip and fall into the water. They are also learning how to crawl and grab objects. This makes them prone to accidents. Their safety is your concern and responsibility as a mother. Even, after their first four months a mother is not adequate enough to leave her baby for excessive period time especially like a deployment which last up to eight to twelve months.
As a society we grow up in the norms of what a male and women’s role should be. In addition a study on male and female emotion the correlational analyses revealed positive relationship between social anxiety with aggression and stress for males, and negative relationship between social anxiety and social skills for females (Majed). When you’re in combat

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