
Novice to Expert Nurse Leader

Decent Essays

Gwen Travis
Gonzaga University
NURS 553

The path to nursing leadership most often progresses from novice to expert nurse and then onto a novice nurse manager. The novice nurse manager is asked to lead and rarely given the tools or knowledge to be successful in this new role. The Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition discussed by Patricia Benner includes the following five levels of competency in the clinical nurse (Benner, 1982): * Level I – NOVICE – beginners with no experience with practice situations and an inability to use discretionary judgment. * Level II – ADVANCED BEGINNER – actions/decisions are based on prior experience in actual situations. * Level III – COMPETENT – actions …show more content…

If the use of the latest, high-quality research is vital to optimal patient outcomes it can also transfer over to the development of staff and nursing leaders. Better trained nurses and leaders are more able to perform their jobs which should lead to the goals of improved patient care and expert staff retention. As research shows, there are several key factors involved in the

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