
Nozick's Argument Against Redistributive Taxation

Decent Essays

Robert Nozick, in Anarchy, State and Utopia develops his central idea called the ‘entitlement theory.’ This concept states that redistribution of goods is only considered justified if it has the consent of the owner of the holdings. He mentions here that the only State that is justified in carrying out any duties is the ‘minimal state.’ The minimal State is one that is only limited to the enforcement of of contracts and protection of individuals, etc. Any more intervention from the State, according to Nozick, is a violation of right against the people. The purpose of this essay is to examine Nozick’s argument against redistributive taxation to prove that eliminating taxation means getting rid of public education. I will argue that the right of education is embedded as one of the services that is essential to the development of society and that without the funding for it, it will cease to exist. Using Charles Taylor’s argument, that choices are necessary for autonomy, I show how education gives rise to better autonomy for in the individual. Thus, allowing for the growth and development of the community. Nozick’s account of personal rights states that individuals have rights and that there things no person or group may do to them. (Nozick 1974) He refers to this idea as the right to “self-ownership,” meaning that people not only have a right to their physical bodies, but also to their talents, intellect and labor as well. (Nozick 1974) Heavily influenced by John Locke’s

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