My understanding of being proactive was distorted in relation to the assessment before reading about the category. First question of the category, “are you in control of your life?”; yes, I am. I am very in-tune to my emotional, physical and spiritual needs. With respect to my professional life, I have a very good ability to focus on things I can control and almost mentally hide the things that I can’t. If I focus on the things I cannot change, will I be successful or effective? Sometimes I find myself in meetings having very little patience for what I like to call complaint sessions. As I’ve gotten older and matured I have learned to strengthen my poker face but complaints and sidebar conversations during meetings hold very little weight when
In this Assignment I will demonstrate different connector installations and there usage. I will describe the assembling process and any issues if ran into, along with ways to prevent the same problems from turning up in the future.
During our investigation, we reached out to our Grievance & Appeal contact and we spoke with Candice who advised us that Dr. Dozier is not contracted as of June 1, 2015, we currently have your primary care physician as Dr. Nassef Henein, that with an HMO plan, your Primary Care Physician should coordinate our care and refer you when you need to see another provider or specialist, that you should chose providers who are not only contracted with Blue Cross Senior Secure Plan II (HMO). We are also participating with heritage IPA, which you may call Heritage IPA at 1-661-327-441. you can then search each at the “Find a Doctor” tool to make sure each is INN for Blue Cross Senior Secure Plan II (HMO). If you have questions about
On Saturday, September 12, 2015, I was assigned to the 6 Northwest as the security officer. At approximately 0500 hours while breakfast trays were being distributed in pod 100, an inmate, later identified as Kimmie Hawkins became insolent and advised me to get out of the pod. I immediately asked him whom he was talking to and simultaneously walked over to him to view his armband. As I reached for Inmate Hawkins’s left wrist, he snatched away from me, got in a boxing stance, and began bouncing rhythmically on his toes. Therefore, I retrieved my T.A.S.E.R. from its holster and gave Inmate Hawkins loud verbal commands to get on the floor. However, he refused to follow my orders; therefore, I pushed him toward the wall and continued to instruct
We are creating a car seat addition that will change the car seat industry. It will protect the children from creating a mess on the car seat buckles and themselves. It will help decrease the chances of getting a button malfunction due to liquids or materials getting within the car seat buckles. Our goals are just to create this product and enhance the car seats, which will give the parents a satisfaction knowing that the car seats are not being destroyed by the substances, and materials that the child spills. We also want to make this product sold around the U.S but hope to at least sell the product globally. I believe that our three stakeholders will be reasonable. The stakeholders will be the owners, the suppliers and the employees. Our
The first things I noticed were block paragraphs that were numbered. Also, I noticed numbers and dates.
After a helpful talk with my advisor, I decided that real estate would be my second preferred major if I were not to make it into the marketing program at the Terry College of Business. Although the realm of work differs in many aspects between the two, I feel that the factors of communication and benefitting the buyer still have very similar qualities. I for one have little experience working in the specified field, but am currently learning the basics in REAL 4000 and it is beginning to interest me very much so. After enrolling in the class I told my step mother, a former agent of Caldwell-Banker, that I was taking the class while applying for real estate as my second intended major. She was ecstatic, and her excitement certainly began to
I staffed the situation with Nikki and was referred to Minimum Standards, which states the following:
The data have information from two courses taught during the 2014/15 academic years with a combined enrollment of 76 students. These courses have a similar structure in that they met on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 10 weeks and they both require students to complete online quizzes prior to each class. In addition, the final grade of both courses is composed of operating grades, midterms, and final exams. That is, there will be more than one factor to affect the final grade in these courses. In order to protect students, all students are shown in the database as ID number instead of their real names.
Melissa is driving through her neighborhood, talking on a cell phone. Because she is distracted, she missed the new stop sign that was put in at an intersection. A police officer sees this and promptly pulls her over. When asked why she didn’t stop at the stop sign, Melissa replies that she didn’t see the sign. Melissa most likely did see the sign, her brain just didn’t process it correctly.
I am currently under academic warning, recognized as a bachelor’s student rather than an honour. Including the 30 transfer credits received from Trent University, I have 84 credits completed + 3 credits partially completed from ADMS 3330 of which is currently in process this summer term 2015. If my failing grade for ADMS 2510 is not dropped the 90 credits will be completed with a GPA below 5.0. I do not want to graduate as a bachelor’s student rather my dream and goal is to graduate as honours completing 120 credits. It will not be difficult for me to achieve this goal next year, since the parental disorders I was fluctuating with has been resolved, in other words I am now living with one parent happily. With a relaxed mind I have made goals
It was just a typical night on April 20th, 2015, that I was on my computer talking with my friend through Skype who gave me the idea to make an account on Skout because I was stil trying to get over the break up with Chris. And that's how it all started.... I was just scrolling down then I noticed a certain picture of someone that caught my attention. And it was YOU. I knew from the moment I saw your picture on Skout I know you were gonna be someone special in my life. I didn't know wether or not to message you first or wait and see if you were to ever message me first. But my friend told me to take the courage to send you a simple message to see if you would even message.The next day to my suprise to see that you had actually replied. You
When I first started working on my concentration, I planned on exploring the relationship between people and technology. As the exam date was steadily approaching, I only had a couple of pieces completed, so time was of the essence. However, I was notified by my teacher that I wasn’t allowed to use two of the pieces I created because the school district deemed them ‘not appropriate for a high school level portfolio’ and she could get into trouble, or even fired, if I included them in my portfolio. As a student, I was conflicted because I loved the art that I created, but I also love my teacher and I would never want her to get into trouble because my actions. So, I decided to change my concentration with a week left before the exam date. Each
In a 24 hour period my initial pricing was $7.27; I was not surprised as to how much I spent on a daily basis. From a very young age, when my mother would grocery shop she was very frugal on what she would buy and how much she spent. We never had name brand labels, always the off brand product and we had canned vegetables(not to say we didn't have a lot of fresh vegetables too), from this I learned how unimportant it was to buy name brand food, just because of the brand. So now as I spend my money, I am more aware of what I buy and how much I spend. On a regular basis, my mother and I shop at the 99 Cent Store, this is a chain store that offers produce, refrigerated foods and other products for either 99 cents or a little above that price (ex:milk=$2.99). Therefore, I believe I got an advantage when assigned this experiment; because I knew where to get cheap products that would put me under $5 a day. Even though I was not excited when getting this assignment because I knew I would have to
This can mean for a teacher to learn where the student(s) is coming from and then do research on that area. By doing this, it will provide some basic background information into the child’s spoken language, culture and beliefs. After the teacher knows a little more about the child, they can then make adjustments to their assessments according to the child’s language, culture and beliefs. If the teacher is still unsure, I would ask another teacher who might have had a student from the same area.
While sitting at my desk in a classroom overflowing with colorful decorations, my 1st grade classmates and I were taught how to add and subtract. At that moment, I had no idea that numbers would soon become one of the biggest factors in my life. Before I knew it, my journey as a number on a sheet of paper began. From third grade to my senior year of high school, I have been tested in every way, shape, and form and compared to kids all around the country. My test scores decided if I was able to move on to the next grade, what classes I took, and will soon factor into what college I will be attending. Those numbers have seemingly been the determinant in how successful I have been academically and how successful I am expected to be. Numbers even