
Nuclear Arms Race Research Paper

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There were many impacts of the nuclear arms race. Some we're positive, and some were negative. The nuclear arms race was a race to advance nuclear technology. This race was primarily between the Soviet Union and the United States. There were large monetary investments from both nations into their nuclear arms programs. Everyone thought both sides would be destroyed in the end, both economically and physically. The nuclear arms race impacted civilians, economies, military, and technology in both nations.
The nuclear arms race was caused by the decreasing Soviet-American relations. This was because the United States wanted to control all atomic knowledge and weaponry. The United States proposed the Acheson Lilienthal report on March 28th, 1946. …show more content…

The impact on civilians was very similar in both nations, but there were some differences. The civilians of both nations were very afraid that the other side would attack them. Because of this amount of fear, many people in both nations had a fallout shelter installed in their yard that would be stocked with a huge surplus of food and supplies to allow the family to survive until the air was safe to breathe. The schools of towns would also have aerial attack drills to test evacuation plans. The taxes also increased due to the amount of money going into the nuclear weapons programs of each nation. This is where the similarities end. In Soviet Russia the citizens had trouble finding jobs, and those who had jobs got paid very little. They were also forced to stand in line for food because they couldn’t afford food themselves, and even the food that they could afford was scarce. (Fuller, …show more content…

Because of threats from each nation and chances of spies, the militaries had to build up defenses. Both sides sent spies to see what the other’s progress was. The spies also tried to steal plans and blueprints to have in their program. The nuclear arms race also advanced technology of each nation. The United States and the Soviet Union gained technology to provide nuclear energy. They also gained technology to put nuclear generators in submarines that would make it possible for a submarine to stay at sea for months. Of course, they also gained atomic weaponry that can annihilate a whole city. (Fuller,

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