
Essay on Nuclear Terrorism Not Likely

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Abstract: Now that the Cold War is over, both the United States and the former Soviet Republics are dismantling their nuclear arsenals. Because of a less than reliable system of nuclear security in Russia, the chances of terrorists group obtaining uranium or plutonium from Russia have increased. However, in order to assemble the nuclear weapon, the group would need both knowledge and all the necessary materials. Thus, a nuclear threat by a terrorist is possible but not very likely.

Nuclear Terrorism:

During the 1980s, the world often watched and wondered what would and could occur between the two super power nations, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. During the Cold War, both …show more content…

and the former Soviet republics. This is because the nuclear weapons are dismantled into the basic components, the most potentially dangerous piece being the uranium or plutonium center that fuels the nuclear explosion. These materials are now more readily available to terrorist groups than ever before because of lax security in Russia and the other former Soviet republics.

To understand the problem these nuclear fuels present, certain clarifications need to made. There are many different grades of plutonium and uranium. Most grades, (known as reactor grades) are usable in nuclear reactors. However, in order for plutonium or uranium to be used in a nuclear weapon, they need to be in a very high grade (often referred to as bomb grade). In its high grade form, uranium is known as uranium 235 or highly-enriched uranium (HEU). Plutonium is known as plutonium 239 when it is bomb grade. Both elements rarely occur in the bomb grade form. In fact, only 0.7% of uranium that is formed naturally is bomb grade. The other 99.3% can be changed into bomb grade plutonium using expensive nuclear reactors.

During the Cold War, these bomb grade supplies of uranium and plutonium were protected because they were in nuclear warheads under the control of the super powers' armed forces. However, now in Russia, the control of these weapons is being transferred from the

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