
Nuremberg Code Of Ethics

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Informed consent
The Nuremberg Code of Ethics, a set of ethical principles for human experimentation was developed in 1947 following the trials conducted by medical professionals on prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. This code had provided the public with confidence in the respectful and moral treatment of subjects in the medical experiments.10The code defined the boundaries of medical experimentation involving humans and established the requirement for informed consent. The Tuskegee study was clearly violated many of these guidelines, yet an explicitly harmful study was allowed to continue for decades because the officials of the Public Health Service deemed the study ethical and of scientific value. The study was conducted by violating ethical principles and created distrust among the African-American community regarding participation in the clinical studies.
The first major ethical principle violated in the Tuskegee study informed consent. One of the main safeguards for the protection of human subjects in research is informed consent, which …show more content…

The protection of rights, and well- being of the study subjects was consistently overlooked, although there have been multiple attempts to justify why penicillin, the treatment for syphilis was withheld.
The Hippocratic maxim “do not harm” has long been a fundamental principle of medical ethics and it requires physicians to benefit their patients according to their best judgment. Who ought to receive the benefits of research and bear its burden? This is a question of justice, in the sense of fairness in the distribution. An injustice occurs when some benefits to which a person is entitled without good reasons. In case of Tuskegee study, the medical professional violated the Hippocratic Oath and the burden of the research was unduly imposed on the African-American

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