
Nursing As A Career Essay

Decent Essays

There are many external factors that have influenced my choice in the career I wish to go into, these are the area of nursing so adult or children, my qualification are they the best I can get and what else can I do but also the university I wish to go to, the money side so do I have the money to do the course do I have to get a loan or can I get a bursary and also my family as their opinion matters and do I wish to be close to them. This will discuss why I have picked nursing as a career and what I think is right for me.
Firstly, the type of career I have always wanted was to be able to help and care for others in a busy environment, where something is always happening. I felt adult nursing was best as I could work in “hospitals and nursing homes, schools and colleges, HM Forces, and the prison services” (national careers service, 2012). I have also wanted to work within the army and I would like to become medic within the T.A as it is very hands on. I mainly would like to work in the aeroplanes that go to front line to bring the injured back to safety and get them back to full health. I have also considered working in rehabilitation in Headley court, to help servicemen and women get back to their unit as quickly …show more content…

When doing my BTEC I had to save up for tuition fees: £1100 (Carshalton College, 2015) which I worked hard to save so I could pay it in full, as I did not want to get a loan at such an early stage specially as I wish to go university. For university I have calculated bursary and looked into the different loans I may able to receive, so I am able to pay all my bills, get to and from placements and to afford the equipment I may need, I worked it all out on the Student Bursary Calculator (NHS business services authority, 2012) it is not 100% accurate but it is a way of planning out

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