
Nursing Case Study

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DISCUSSION The application of either an AP glide or LAT glide to the lower cervical spine in subjects with acute unilateral neck pain resulted in a significant decrease (P < .001) in self-reported level of pain at worst. This reduction in pain across all subjects almost reached clinical significance. Additionally, the reduction in worst pain reported from pre- to post-treatment was significantly different (P = .027) between the two groups with the AP group experiencing a greater reduction in pain than the LAT group. Therefore, the AP glide may be a better treatment option for reducing pain in individuals with acute neck pain. The improvement in pain in the AP group was clinically significant, as indicated by exceeding the MCID for …show more content…

The literature presents conflicting findings regarding the sympathetic response that results from joint mobilization with both sympatho-excitatory (Petersen et al, 1993; McGuiness et al, 1997; Vicenzino et al, 1998; Sterling et al, 2001; LaTouche et al, 2013) and sympatho-inhibitory (Yung et al, 2014; Yung et al, 2017) effects reported. The results from the current study indicate a significant difference (P = .016) in the change in SBP between the AP and LAT groups, with the AP group experiencing a greater decrease in SBP post-treatment. The observed decrease in SBP did not exceed the previously reported MDC of 4.16 mmHg. (Yung et al, 2014) This finding is in agreement with previously published findings that demonstrated a sympatho-inhibitory effect on SBP following application of an AP mobilization with a novel dosage regimen to the lower cervical spine in asymptomatic subjects. (Yung et al, 2014) The results from the current study also contribute to the growing evidence of sympatho-inhibitory effects from cervical joint mobilization by replicating this finding with the novel dosage regimen in a symptomatic population. Gender differences were also observed in the cardiovascular response associated with these mobilization techniques with significant differences in the effect on HR (P = .032) and SBP (P < .001) between male and female subjects. Males experienced a

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