
Nursing Is A Calling, A Lifestyle, And A Passion. Becoming

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Nursing is a calling, a lifestyle, and a passion. Becoming a nurse is a proclamation to care not only for but about others. Being a nurse means having the desire to make a positive impact on the lives of patients, their families, co-workers, and the community; an innate, high degree of compassion for other human beings. Nursing is a desire to make a difference; the potential to have a profound effect on changing the world, one patient at a time. More than just a profession, nursing is a paragon of care and service to others that is continually evolving. A nursing philosophy proclaims a nurse’s idea of what they theorize as true of the nursing profession and guides them in their daily practices. In relation to patient care the focus is on …show more content…

Another valuable facet of nursing is understanding that the patient’s perception is a significant indicator of outcomes. How a patient perceives themselves, their health care providers, their health, and the nursing care they receive is of the utmost importance. A patient’s perception is a key component in health care; it is the framework of each individual and can affect how they perceive pain, illness, and even when, where, or if they seek help or assistance. Each person’s perception is unique and is composed of the individual’s beliefs, values, culture, and experiences over their lifetime. Therefore, my personal nursing philosophy is to ensure my own perception is non-judgmental, that patients and co-workers are met with empathy and compassion, in addition to empowering each individual with dignity by delivering holistic patient – centered care. Though nursing theories have developed over time, there is a common structure to each model and that is the relationship between a person, their environment, and their health. The concepts of the nursing metaparadigm and their interactions with each other will be discussed in this paper. The four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm are person, environment, health and nursing. The metaparadigm is essential to the domain of nursing and the key areas of focus when it

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